Maveric Universe Wiki

The Zatikhon Hegemony –Zatikhon Special Agent 1112 acb FotoFlexer Photo[]

Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and is a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups. a hegemon –or hegemony is - acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force.

The Zatikhon People are a race of nomadic, extraterrestrial parasites originating from a now dying planet. Realizing that it was only a matter of time before the planet's resources would be completely depleted, the pods somehow evolved the ability to defy gravity and leave their planet's atmosphere in the search of a new world to colonize. For millennia, the Zatikhon moved about space like spores, propelled by the solar winds, some occasionally landing on inhabited planets. Once there, they would replace the dominant species by spawning emotionless replicas; the original bodies would then disintegrate into dust once the duplication process was completed. They would then consume all of the planet's resources, only to then leave in search of yet another new world. Such a consumption was apparently the fate of the civilizations that once inhabited and the . The Zatikhon' sole purpose in life was that of individual survival, with no attention given to the civilizations they conquered or the resources they squandered.

The Zatikhon Worker Class.[]


The Alpha Primitives were a slave race created by the Inhumans, an advanced offshoot of humanity. Because of the Inhumans' low population, they created a labor force of hominids bred to be strong, but of limited intelligence. They were also rendered unable to breed, being produced only by cloning. === In only a decade, the first five hundred Zatikhon Slaves were created. They began providing support to the Zatikhon civilization in manufacturing, plumbing, drainage, food processing,farming,defence and more. They worked for eighteen hours a day, sleeping the other six, and having no need for culture or leisure. They understood human language in a similar way a six-year-old Human child would. They had a life expectancy of forty-two years. Being non-sexual beings, their only chance for reproduction is through cloning. Due to this, all the Zatikhon Workers are exactly equal.

'Since then, and for all the successive millennia, the 'The Zatikhon Worker or Slave Class had lifespans of only five years, and could not sexually reproduce. Their service to the Hygemony was all and in time developed into corporate civilization,that used wealth and prosition to advance their societies survival.Their invasion of other near by star systems was short-lived: unable to tolerate the sheer determination humanity displayed in defense, the Pods abandoned the planet, leaving behind a small population of duplicates, who died shortly after.The Zatikhon people have no culture of their own, only what they have copied from other worlds, and they have no goal beyond survival.

[2] The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity.

Physical aspects[]

Zatikhon Enforcer Agents wear dark grey or black business suits lined with a gold fabric, black dress shoes, a silver bar tie clip to complement the tie, square sunglasses or Macroscope Visors, over the masks,that hide true faces and a communication earpiece to inform them of any disturbances within the system. These features are copied from the attire for plainclothes agents of the United States Secret Service, as well as those of the Men in Black conspiracy or the stereotypical G-Man/FBI official. They have sideburns, and their hair is either slicked back or side-parted. Zatikhon Enforcers Agents carry handguns in shoulder holsters that are concealed beneath their suits. In addition to proficiency in the use of firearms, all Agents are masters of the martial arts and hand-to-hand combat.They also carry Cosmic Canes,similar to certain members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers,to appear as simply walking sticks,but are actually disguised hand weapons.

Zatikhon Enforcer Agents are programmed to be extremely agile,unlike regular Special Commerse Agents allowing them to perform superhuman feats such as leaping great distances, while possessing exceptional reflexes; on one occasion managed to directly counter a punch from with a punch of his own to still-moving fist. They can briefly move at speeds fast enough to evade gunfire, at least in most circumstances; contact shots are effective, as are weapons with an extremely high rate of fire, such as that from a as seen in They seem to be impervious to pain, or to have an extremely high tolerance for it; when shoots one Agent with a pistol or rifle, he shows no visible reaction to several bullets piercing his arm. They can only be "killed" by wounds that would be instantly lethal to a human; trauma to the head, heart, upper spine, and plant like skeleton structure,that somewhat similar to a cross between a human skeleton and a hard,bark like tree structure,so on.The Zatikhon form is made up of vegetable matter, and very difficult to harm,but can injured or severly damaged.The Zatikhon Agents can easily regrow damaged or severed body parts,

But when Zatikhon injured enough to cause severe damage, the turned into a green, foamy, jelly-like substance,that outsiders think of as green applesuice,that oozes out of the Zatikhon Agent uniform .This is a result of their vectable like structure breaking down,skin,skeleton and so forthe.Damaged Zatikhon Agents can even transport themselves across the globe by leaving his current form, transferring his consciousness to a new form grown from a Zatikhon Infant plant pod or fully grown adult agent,kept in regeneration tanks-generally kept with hidden Zatikhon star ships or hidden bases of operation,to be reformed into new agents .

However, this "death" is only a minor obstacle for a Zatikhon. When an Zatikhon Agent is killed, it can simply transfer itself to another body, as agents have the ability to Hence, destroying an agent is virtually impossible.Evidence show,that the Zatikhon are some sort of humanoid fugus like creature,capable of effecting other lifeforms and transforming into other Zatikhon Agents. Those they posses that humanoid in nature,can only be done over a long period of time and special treatments are known to resist or remove the Zatikhon takeover process.Zatikhon have known to throw clouds of Zatikhon dust,made up of Zatikhon Spores.

  • Chlamydospores: thick-walled resting spores of fungi produced to survive unfavorable conditions.
  • Parasitic fungal spores may be classified into internal spores, which germinate within the host, and external spores, also called environmental spores, released by the host to infest other hosts

The Zatikhon Enforcer Agents possess superhuman strength: they have been seen to tear off the roof of a car with one hand, and delivering punches that can shatter solid concrete,possably due some sort of advanced body armor incorporated with the Zatikhon Enforcer Agent uniform. Zatikhon Enforcer Agents also seem significantly less stunned by punches and kicks than a human would be, although a sufficiently strong attack to a vital body area can stagger them.

Zatikhon can breathe both carbon dioxide and/or oxygen due to his human–plant metabolism; he can also survive without either and without food for extended periods of time.

Agents can only act within the boundaries of the The Zatakhon Corporate Rules, and as a result, they must obey the laws of physics set within the Zatikhon world.

Thus, while the Zatikhon Enforcer Agents can perform feats of incredible strength or have inhuman endurance, they cannot walk through walls, stop bullets, fly unassisted, etc. Zatikhon Enforcer Agents can harmed

Zatikhon Hegemony Operations[]

Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and is a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups. a hegemon –or hegemony is - acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force.[2] The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity.

Zatikhon Speculators always traveled in groups of three, wore long, black garments, and wore bowler hats. The lead Zatikhon had a sun-like icon on the front of his hat.

In some caess the Zatakhon Hegemony is kind of simular to the lluminati-a secret or covert organization,whose actions are purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy power behind the throne, allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations.The ancient or Elder Races,often directly or through others use a powerful and secretive group is to be conspiring to eventually rule the multiverse via an autonomous many world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles.The Zatakhon Hegemony,often create new world order,for capitolistic means to create or significantly change many significant occurrences are caused by working other powerful secret groups,such as the Trogaroth Hegemony,the Kyvhan,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Lords of Darkness-a collective or general name,which refers to many ancient or elder races,such as renegade Atlanteans,Asguardians,the Olympians,the Titans and so forthe .} shady interplanetary terrorist group composed of rogue temporal Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world primarily through a combination of political finance,wars ,temporal contamination social engineering, mind control, and fear-based propaganda[1].and so on.This secret clandestine group or alliance of groups,often either controls or influences many other operations ,historical outcomes,to directed toward,whatever goal or disired results,the secret organization,such the Zatikhon Hegemony,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Kyvhan and so for the wishthem them to unfold toward their ultimate outcome.Only such organizations,such as the Legion of Time-Sorcerers or the Temporal Guard or Guardians and others,can oppose these groups temporal meddling or comtamination.toward the greater good for the total safety or the universe or multiverse.

Zaitikhon Speculators Agents[]

Zatikhon Speculators always traveled in groups of three, wore long, black garments,mack shimmering mask,with green glowing eye slits and wore bowler hats. The lead Zatikhon had a sun-like icon on the front of his hat.Zaitikhon Speculators Agents,often scout an unknown prospect first,maintaining some sort of cover operation.In finance, speculation is a financial action that does not promise safety of the initial investment along with the return on the principal sum.[1] Speculation typically involves the lending of money or the purchase of assets, equity or debt but in a manner that has not been given thorough analysis or is deemed to have low margin of safety or a significant risk of the loss of the principal investment. There are also some financial vehicles that are, by definition, speculation. For instance, trading in certain commodities, such as oil and gold, is, by definition, speculation. Short selling is also, by definition, speculative.

Financial speculation can involve the buying, holding, selling, and short-selling of stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, collectibles, real estate, derivatives, or any valuable financial instrument to profit from fluctuations in its price, irrespective of its underlying value.Zatikhon Speculator Agents often the lower rung of the Zatikhon Corporate ladder,whose investment may or may not pay off to rise up to the position of Zatikhon Commerse Agents or Zatikhon Enforcers.

Zatikhon Commerse Agents[]

Zatikhon Enforcers often dress as sinister men who wear shimmering black trenchcoats and Men in Black fashion-stereotypical black hats ,covering their dark face masks.The only other destintive feature is the Zatikhon Agents yellow glowing eyes slits and red triangle shape found upon the front of the fedora hats.This appears to some of knockoff guider like gem,used to link one another and controlled by the earpeice located on the left side of the their ,hidden under the black mask.claim to be government agents; another "man in black" is dressed as the head agent.They can go about wear their darkened masks or using holographic imagery,dressed as local natives.Often seen in threes,carrying breifcases,filled all sort of feild equipment,hand sensors,stealth field spheres,stun pens and so on.

Zatikhon Enforcers[]

Zatikhon Enforcers often dress as sinister men who wear shimmering black trenchcoats and Men in Black fashion-stereotypical black hats ,covering their dark face masks.The only other destintive feature is the Zatikhon Agents red glowing eyes slits and red triangle shape found upon the front of the fedora hats.This appears to some of knockoff guider like gem,used to link one another and controlled by the earpeice located on the left side of the their ,hidden under the black mask.claim to be government agents; another "man in black" is dressed as the head agent.They can go about wear their darkened masks or using holographic imagery,dressed as local natives. The targetted subjects are found dead, and is thus effectively "silenced,as a warning to other,who either steal from or double cross the Zatikhons." The Zatikhon often employ later is subjected to a mind-control device by the three black-garbed men, aided by others who are all presumed to be space aliens.They have been described as seeming confused by the nature of everyday items such as pens, eating utensils or food, as well as using outdated slang, though accounts on the behavior of Men in Black vary widely. Accounts indicate that they often claim to be from an agency collecting information on the unexplained phenomenon their subject has encountered. In some cases they are said to use unidentifiable instruments to wipe the memories of their subjects clean, which is unlikely because of the very fact the subject remembered it. In other accounts, they seem to be trying to suppress information by, for instance, trying to convince their subject the phenomenon never existed.

All three are virtually identical in appearance with black hair, black clothes, dark sunglasses, and chalk-white green skin—and even though they superficially look human, it's evident from their behavior that they're not

For many years, the power of each The Zatikhon Corporation apparatuses of the single families were the sole ruling bodies within the two associations, and they have remained the real centers of power even after superordinate bodies were created by the House Corporation.A board of Directors,headed an executive branche,runs and maintains the many operations,the laws,corporate policies and such over each corporate enitity.Branches of the The Zatikhon Corporation, broken off and started their own separate company. Such other branched off Zatikhon Corporations are the Zatikhon Corporation (Hegemony) and Vendhikhar Corporation (Hegemony).

Agents can only act within the boundaries of the The Zatakhon Corporate Rules, and as a result, they must obey the laws of physics set within the Zatikhon world.

Zatikhon Family Structure.[]

The Zatikhon Corporation is run and maintained by each Zatikhon Corporate Family .Each Family, whether related by spawning or adopted by a family member, is made up of a Board of Directors, known as the Zatakhon Hegemony. This Board is comprised of Zatikhon Executives, who earned the right by wealth of power and appointment by other Board members, who operate and organize the monitory transactions and business of their subordinates-the High Supervisors company branch of operations.

The orientation ritual in most Zatakhon families happens when a Zatikhon Intern becomes an Zatikhon Associate, and then, a Zatikhon Agent.This agent,is then expected to carry out the rules and operations of the Zatikhon Corporation.In time,if he or she,is lucky enough,smart enough,ruthless and cunning enough,work their way up toward higher positions within the company.

The Zatikhon Corporation; A mysterious masked humanoid race, who cover their form head to toe. They wear dark stocking mask, with eye slits. They also dark business likes suites, with dark gloves and gentlemen’s hats. Often they travel in groups of three-a Head Agent and his or her two businesses Associates-Assistant Agent One and Assistance Agent Two. Zatikhon Agents generally carry canes, a jeweled top at the end and brief cases, that carry a personal computer-that is similar to the Legion of Time-Sorcerers Grimeweire, hand weopons, a holographic projector, and a Stargate jump gate control,

The Zatikhon travel about in Zatikhon Moonships-big spherical star ships the size various sized moons and Zatikhon Worldships- big spherical star ships the size various sized planets. Speculation is that either the Zatikhon purchased this technology from some other race, such as the Tauron’s or stole it out right and reverse engineered the technology for their own purposes.

Each Zatakhon Moonship is considered a branch Office of the Central Zarikhon Worldship Home Office. No one, not even the Atlanteans or Sidairians knows the true location of the Zarikhon Hegemony Central Office, since Zarikhon cloak every one their worlds and moons with invisible cloaking shields, stealth Camouflage Fields, to jam and direct sensor detection, and Chameleon Fields-to disguise the planet appearance.

Zatikhon Agents although appear to business men, always communicating with home office, via their eye phone comlinks and have a several business rule codes to live by and conduct their capitalistic transactions, Zatikhon Agents are not objecting to use criminal or covert methods to get what they want. Zatikhon Agents often act as go betweens for someone else, such the Trongaroth or Shaitanus House Clan of the Atlanteans.

Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and is a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups.Branches of the Zatikhon Corporation,work toward the general common good of the company.

Over a relatively long time, the Zatikhon Hegemony has built up a strong economical empire; rather build a military empire... Rather than do this the traditional route via the technological/evolutionary learning curve, they established a strong economical basis, whilst dealing and bribing their way to power. The Zatikhon government is dedicated to the promotion of profit and commerce. Like most of their culture, their religion is also based on principles of capitalism: they offer prayers and monetary offerings to a Blessed with Greater Wealth.

The Zatikhon corporation is a legal entity (technically, a juristic person) which has a separate legal personality from its members.

The defining legal rights and obligations of the Zatikhon corporation are: (i) the ability to sue and be sued; (ii) the ability to hold assets in its own name; (iii) the ability to hire agents; (iv) the ability to sign contracts; and (v) the ability to make by-laws, which govern its internal affairs.[1] Other legal rights and obligations may be assigned to the corporation by governments or courts. These are often controversial.The Zatikhon Corporation,in being an legal entity,is also comsidered a person and thus must be respected by all members,or the whole can not be maintained .The Zatikhon Corporation must not be dissobeyed and is to considered the ultimate focal in any Zatikhon Agents life.Thus the Zatikhon Corporation,is the closes thing,they have to a supreme being or ‘’God.’’.

Speculation,is that the Zatikhon are some sort humanoid plant like lifeform,since upon killedcthey often break down or melt into messy piles of vetible matter.The remains often simply smulder into piles of smoke afterwards,if if the Zatikhon use some sort means dessolve or remove the material from anyone aquiring a sample of the deceise subject.

Code of Zatikhon Conduct-the Zatikhon Ten Commandments.

No- Zatikhon can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.

No Zatikhon look at the wives of friends

No Zatikhon be seen with members of Temporal Guardians.,Legion of Time-Sorcerers or associates –to do so meand to looked on as a Traitor to the Zarikhon Hygemony.No Zatokhon member or Agent will associate with such traitorous member or agent,nor do any sort of business transaction or dealing said renigade agent.

No Zatikhon may be seen dealing in public unless given permission by his or her Zatikhon Supervisor.To be seen,is to know operating.And be known to operating at at any spicific location,might often create difficulties,especially,if those activeties might seem illegal to the local or temporal authorities.

All Zatikhon members or agents must beavailable for Corporation is a duty - even if personal or family matter preclude that the member be elsewhere or other occuplied..

All Zatikhon understand Appointments must absolutely be respected.All transaction must repsected

Wives and family of Zatikhon members or agents must be treated with respect.

When a Zatikhon member or agent is asked for any information, the answer must be the truth.

Money Zatikhon members or Agents cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other Zatikhon families.

No- Zatikhon member or agent must hold to moral values of the Zatikhon Corporation and follow the 18 Rule Books of Commerse and Wealth.

Perpetual lifetime

Another favorable regulation, the assets and structure of the corporation exist beyond the lifetime of any of its shareholders, bondholders, or employees. This allows for stability and accumulation of capital, which thus becomes available for investment in projects of a larger size and over a longer term than if the corporate assets remained subject to dissolution and distribution.

Editors Notes.[]

Zatikhon are loosely based on the Lost in Space masked alien known as the Satikon. No one has ever explained who or what they other, we assume either interstellar gangsters and/or business agents for some unknown.

Saticons are villainous, power-hungry alien characters who appeared in two episodes of the American science fiction television series Lost in Space.

Contents [hide]1. Biography2. Appearance


Very little is known about the Saticons themselves. Their planet of origin is never mentioned. They have a certain amount of control over matter and the elements, being capable of creating objects out of thin air as well as controlling the weather.

In "Wreck of the Robot", they stole and disassembled the robot character in order to find out how Earth machines work, with the intent of creating a machine of their own which would be able to control all other machines. At the end of the episode, these aliens are destroyed. In "The Galaxy Gift", three more appear. It is presumed that these are different Saticons, though all Saticons appear alike. In this episode, they desire a powerful amulet which they believe will help them rule the universe.


Saticons travel in groups of three. They have craggy, black featureless faces and speak in slow, husky voices. Saticons invariably dress in black from head to toe. Their wardrobe, which includes capes, is flat and non-reflective, the exception being the glittery black gloves and derby hats they wear. The "lead" Saticon has a sunburst design on his hat and sometimes carries a wand.

Saticons constantly sway when they're walking and continue to sway even when standing still, a characteristic which appears to have no physiological basis but which adds to their odd, unnerving appearance.

Saticon-mysterious alien race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.The Saticon often move around slowly by weaving back and fothe,and talk in a low,whispering like voice.They are named after a device called a Saticon tube-A direct-readout television aired: April 26, 1967 on CBS Writer: Barney Slater Director: Ezra Stone Show Stars: June Lockhart (Dr Maureen Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Dr Zachary Smith), Bill Mumy (Will Robinson), Mark Goddard (Major Donald West), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson), Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson), Bob May ((Inside) Robot) Guest Stars: John Carradine (Arcon) , Jim Mills (Saticon #1) Saticon #3 played by Paul Kessler .

Sony saticon

The Saticon appear in The Galaxy Gift-a story where the Robinson encounter an blue face called Mr. Arcon,played by John Carradine-who difficulty breathing but later tranforms himself into a humanoid form,so he breath oxigen.Penny return to the Jupiter 2 with Mister Arcon to rest.The alien gives Penny a gift,a wrethler like belt,she must protect with life.He tells her that as long as she wears the belt, she will be safe. He disappears, and it is not long before a group of three aliens the Saticonsturn up, looking for the belt.The Saticons attempt gain the belt by force and tricks,freezing Penny.She refuses to give them Mister Arcon's property and the Saticon's leave. Later,Doctor Smith,who has made a deal with Saticon to be returned to earth,if he aquire the belt from Penny.Smith fails to get the belt either,but desides dupicate and cheat the Saticon with a fake.The Saticon discove the belts fake and become angry, but still want his help.

The Saticon promise to return him to Earth should he get the belt. Dr. Smith and Penny go through the Saticon alien's machine, where they have created a world from Dr. Smith's memory, which will trick them in to thinking it is Earth.Penny gives up the belt, and in the meantime, Arcon returns to the spaceship looking for the belt. Realising she is in trouble, Mister Arcon goes to the place where Penny is and defeats the Saticons. He is angry she gave it up, and believes she did it selfishly. She protests and claims she did it because they threatened to hurt her family. Arcon takes this thought and leaves the planet.

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Saticon-mysterious alien race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.They are named after a device called a Saticon-A direct-readout television pickup tube.

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Founded by Carl Edward Thompson and Joseph Gilbert Thompson. Based existing webzines and comic production studios. Sarkhon/Toreus Propertyies,Inc.and Maveric Comics Studios, And now this sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. Joseph Gilbert Thompson. DOC THOMPSON. MAVERIC COMICS INC,STUDIOS POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110

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Maveric Entertainment Group

1. The Zatikhon Hegemony – 2.

3. Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and is a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups. a hegemon –or hegemony is - acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force.[2] The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity. 4.

5. In some caess the Zataakhon Hegemony is kind of simular to the lluminati-a secret or covert organization,whose actions are purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy power behind the throne, allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations.The ancient or Elder Races,often directly or through others use a powerful and secretive group is to be conspiring to eventually rule the multiverse via an autonomous many world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles.The Zatakhon Hegemony,often create new world order,for capitolistic means to create or significantly change many significant occurrences are caused by working other powerful secret groups,such as the Trogaroth Hegemony,the Kyvhan,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Lords of Darkness-a collective or general name,which refers to many ancient or elder races,such as renegade Atlanteans,Asguardians,the Olympians,the Titans and so forthe .} shady interplanetary terrorist group composed of rogue temporal Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world primarily through a combination of political finance,wars ,temporal contamination social engineering, mind control, and fear-based propaganda[1].and so on.This secret clandestine group or alliance of groups,often either controls or influences many other operations ,historical outcomes,to directed toward,whatever goal or disired results,the secret organization,such the Zatikhon Hegemony,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Ky'vhan and so for the wishthem them to unfold toward their ultimate outcome.Only such organizations,such as the Legion of Time-Sorcerers or the Temporal Guard or Guardians and others,can oppose these groups temporal meddling or comtamination.toward the greater good for the total safety or the universe or multiverse. 6.


8. For many years, the power of each The Zatikhon Corporation apparatuses of the single families were the sole ruling bodies within the two associations, and they have remained the real centers of power even after superordinate bodies were created by the House Corporation.A board of Directors,headed an executive branche,runs and maintains the many operations,the laws,corporate policies and such over each corporate enitity.Branches of the The Zatikhon Corporation, broken off and started their own separate company. Such other branched off Zatikhon Corporations are the Zatikhon Corporation (Hegemony) and Vendhikhar Corporation (Hegemony).


10. Zatikhon Family Structure.

112. The Zatikhon Corporation is run and maintained by each Zatikhon Corporate Family .Each Family, whether related by spawning or adopted by a family member

sis made up of a Board of Directors, known as the Zatakhon Hegemony. This Board is comprised of Zatikhon Executives, who earned the right by wealth of power and 
appointment by other Board members, who operate and organize the monitory transactions and business of their subordinates-the High Supervisors company branch of operations.


14. The orientation ritual in most Zatakhon families happens when a Zatikhon Intern becomes an Zatikhon Associate, and then, a Zatikhon Agent.This agent,is then expected to carry out the rules and operations of the Zatikhon Corporation.In time,if he or she,is lucky enough,smart enough,ruthless and cunning enough,work their way up toward higher positions within the company.



17. The Zatikhon Corporation; A mysterious masked humanoid race, who cover their form head to toe. They wear dark stocking mask, with eye slits. They also dark business likes suites, with dark gloves and gentlemen’s hats. Often they travel in groups of three-a Head Agent and his or her two businesses Associates-Assistant Agent One and Assistance Agent Two. Zatikhon Agents generally carry canes, a jeweled top at the end and brief cases, that carry a personal computer-that is similar to the Legion of Time-Sorcerers Grimeweire, hand weopons, a holographic projector, and a Stargate jump gate control,


19. The Zatikhon travel about in Zatikhon Moonships-big spherical star ships the size various sized moons and Zatikhon Worldships- big spherical star ships the size various sized planets. Speculation is that either the Zatikhon purchased this technology from some other race, such as the Tauron’s or stole it out right and reverse engineered the technology for their own purposes.


21. Each Zatakhon Moonship is considered a branch Office of the Central Zarikhon Worldship Home Office. No one, not even the Atlanteans or Sidairians knows the true location of the Zarikhon Hegemony Central Office, since Zarikhon cloak every one their worlds and moons with invisible cloaking shields, stealth Camouflage Fields, to jam and direct sensor detection, and Chameleon Fields-to disguise the planet appearance.

22. Zatikhon Agents although appear to business men, always communicating with home office, via their eye phone comlinks and have a several business rule codes to live by and conduct their capitalistic transactions, Zatikhon Agents are not objecting to use criminal or covert methods to get what they want. Zatikhon Agents often act as go betweens for someone else, such the Trongaroth or Shaitanus House Clan of the Atlanteans.


24. Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and is a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups.Branches of the Zatikhon Corporation,work toward the general common good of the company.


26. Over a relatively long time, the Zatikhon Hegemony has built up a strong economical empire; rather build a military empire... Rather than do this the traditional route via the technological/evolutionary learning curve, they established a strong economical basis, whilst dealing and bribing their way to power. The Zatikhon government is dedicated to the promotion of profit and commerce. Like most of their culture, their religion is also based on principles of capitalism: they offer prayers and monetary offerings to a Blessed with Greater Wealth.


28. The Zatikhon corporation is a legal entity (technically, a juristic person) which has a separate legal personality from its members.

29. The defining legal rights and obligations of the Zatikhon corporation are: (i) the ability to sue and be sued; (ii) the ability to hold assets in its own name; (iii) the ability to hire agents; (iv) the ability to sign contracts; and (v) the ability to make by-laws, which govern its internal affairs.[1] Other legal rights and obligations may be assigned to the corporation by governments or courts. These are often controversial.The Zatikhon Corporation,in being an legal entity,is also comsidered a person and thus must be respected by all members,or the whole can not be maintained .The Zatikhon Corporation must not be dissobeyed and is to considered the ultimate focal in any Zatikhon Agents life.Thus the Zatikhon Corporation,is the closes thing,they have to a supreme being or ‘’God.’’.



32. Speculation,is that the Zatikhon are some sort humanoid plant like lifeform,since upon killedcthey often break down or melt into messy piles of vetible matter.The remains often simply smulder into piles of smoke afterwards,if if the Zatikhon use some sort means dessolve or remove the material from anyone aquiring a sample of the deceise subject.


34. Code of Zatikhon Conduct-the Zatikhon Ten Commandments.

35.No- Zatikhon can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.

36.No Zatikhon look at the wives of friends

37.No Zatikhon be seen with members of Temporal Guardians.,Legion of Time-Sorcerers or associates –to do so meand to looked on as a Traitor to the Zarikhon Hygemony.No Zatokhon member or Agent will associate with such traitorous member or agent,nor do any sort of business transaction or dealing said renigade agent.

38.No Zatikhon may be seen dealing in public unless given permission by his or her Zatikhon Supervisor.To be seen,is to know operating.And be known to operating at at any spicific location,might often create difficulties,especially,if those activeties might seem illegal to the local or temporal authorities.

39.All Zatikhon members or agents must beavailable for Corporation is a duty - even if personal or family matter preclude that the member be elsewhere or other occuplied..

40.All Zatikhon understand Appointments must absolutely be respected.All transaction must repsected

41.Wives and family of Zatikhon members or agents must be treated with respect.

42.When a Zatikhon member or agent is asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. 43.Money Zatikhon members or Agents cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other Zatikhon families. 44.No- Zatikhon member or agent must hold to moral values of the Zatikhon Corporation and follow the 18 Rule Books of Commerse and Wealth.


46. Perpetual lifetime 47. Another favorable regulation, the assets and structure of the corporation exist beyond the lifetime of any of its shareholders, bondholders, or employees. This allows for stability and accumulation of capital, which thus becomes available for investment in projects of a larger size and over a longer term than if the corporate assets remained subject to dissolution and distribution.




51. Editors Notes. 52.

53. Zatikhon are loosely based on the Lost in Space masked alien known as the Satikon. No one has ever explained who or what they other, we assume either interstellar gangsters and/or business agents for some unknown. 54. 55. Saticon-mysterious alien race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.The Saticon often move around slowly by weaving back and fothe,and talk in a low,whispering like voice.They are named after a device called a Saticon tube-A direct-readout television pickup. 57.Originally aired: April 26, 1967 on CBS58.Writer: Barney Slater 59Director: Ezra Stone 60.Show Stars: June Lockhart (Dr Maureen Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Dr Zachary Smith), Bill Mumy (Will Robinson), Mark Goddard (Major Donald West), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson), Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson), Bob May ((Inside) Robot) 61.Guest Stars: John Carradine (Arcon) , Jim Mills (Saticon #1) Saticon #3 2.played by Paul Kessler 63.

64.The Saticon appear in The Galaxy Gift-a story where the Robinson encounter an blue face called Mr. Arcon,played by John Carradine-who difficulty breathing but later tranforms himself into a humanoid form,so he breath oxigen.Penny return to the Jupiter 2 with Mister Arcon to rest.The alien gives Penny a gift,a wrethler like belt,she must protect with life.He tells her that as long as she wears the belt, she will be safe. He disappears, and it is not long before a group of three aliens the Saticonsturn up, looking for the belt.The Saticons attempt gain the belt by force and tricks,freezing Penny.She refuses to give them Mister Arcon's property and the Saticon's leave. 65.Later,Doctor Smith,who has made a deal with Saticon to be returned to earth,if he aquire the belt from Penny.Smith fails to get the belt either,but desides dupicate and cheat the Saticon with a fake.The Saticon discove the belts fake and become angry, but still want his help. The Saticon promise to return him to Earth should he get the belt. 66.

67.Dr. Smith and Penny go through the Saticon alien's machine, where they have created a world from Dr. Smith's memory, which will trick them in to thinking it is Earth.Penny gives up the belt, and in the meantime, Arcon returns to the spaceship looking for the belt. Realising she is in trouble, Mister Arcon goes to the place where Penny is and defeats the Saticons. He is angry she gave it up, and believes she did it selfishly. She protests and claims she did it because they threatened to hurt her family. Arcon takes this thought and leaves the planet. 68.


70. 71.From AlphaControl

72. Jump to: navigation, search 73. Saticon-mysterious alien race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.They are named after a device called a Saticon-A direct-readout television pickup tube. 74. Retrieved from "" 75.Views 76. Group E-Mail Address Maveric Comics

Thursday, February 01, 2007 Maveric Comics

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